Traditional Case
We all are invested in the success of a given case.
Please see below what we require for each case.
Diagnostic Waxup Cases:
Detailed RX
Preop Model/Scan(s)
Opposing Model/Impression/Scan
Bite(s)/Bite Scan(s)
Photos (based off MDA Photo Protocol)
Hybrid Restorations - Initial Stage:
Detailed RX
Implant system(s) must be listed
Opposing Model/Impression/Scan
Preop Model(s)/Converted Denture(s)
Impression with impression copings
Cosmetic, Diamond Elite & Full Mouth Restorations:
Detailed RX
Opposing Model/Impression/Scan
Bite(s)/Bite Scan(s)
Study Model(s)/Scan(s)
Photos (Shade tabs in mouth)
Hybrid Restorations - Additional Stage(s):
Detailed RX
Opposing Model/Impression/Scan
If jig breaks:
new impression required
If jig doesn’t break:
the verified cast must be sent.
Adjusted Hybrid Try-in(s) (if provided in the previous stage)